Titanic Coal

Released Size EAN Edition Size
2012 32cm 682087 00401/1,500



Steiff Titanic Coal

Released in 2012, he is a fully jointed, 32cm white mohair bear. His EAN number is 682087 and his individual number is 00401 out of an edition size of 1,500. 

He was made exclusively for the Bearly A Memory Steiff Titanic Event held April 27th & 28th 2012, for the Titanic's 100 th Anniversary.

He comes with the following items. A bronze coin from the Highland Mint,  a reproduction luggage tag from the White Star Line, a bag of Candy Coal, a glass teddy bear necklace, a copy of the Boston Daily Globe front page of the disastrous event, a commemorative coin from the event and the original box and certificate.

 He is brand new and only taken out of the Steiff box to photograph. Thanks for looking.