WW11 Scrap Metal Drives - Brer Rabbit

Released Size Value
1942   3" x 2 .25" $50.00


During WW11,Civilians were asked to collect all sorts of things for the war effort. Old ice skates and aluminum pots and pans were turned in at scrap metal drives.

The Boy Scouts collected old newspapers. Even ordinary household grease was saved. Fibers from milkweed pods were used in life jackets, and many schools held contests and awarded prizes to the kids who picked the most.

Occasionally, you could get a free ticket to the movies if you brought in a rubber item or ball of tinfoil. The Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus offered a free grandstand ticket to any civilian who purchased a war bond.

This is a WW2 Disney designed patch that somehow is designated as a Scrap Metal Patch. We can't find any details regarding it's release, by whom and to whom.